
Fl studio buffer size
Fl studio buffer size

FL Studio tells us that the single core speed is most important in selecting a CPU. While you're in there, make sure 'Multi-threaded mixer processing. This may seem like a no-brainer for some people reading this, but I have to include it in the list for one main reason: FL Studio recently added a function to triple the buffer size, regardless of what the driver is set to, and there are some people who haven't touched this option yet.

fl studio buffer size

This will allow you to hear the audio from FL Studio and other applications (such as YouTube, SoundCloud etc) at the same time Increase your ASIO buffer size. FL Studio ASIO has the advantage of being fully multi-client on most machines. This doubles the latency, but that ensures that there will be enough time to process each buffer unit. I’m not 100% sure even how the LP-filter works in JUCE dsp-module, since I’m afraid I’m not a pro in signal processing.The triple buffer option works one buffer unit behind, and prepares audio for the next buffer period at each cycle. I can share some code but I’m not sure it’s going to help. This is because PrepareToPlay-method doesn’t get called on Logic X before each playback start, so I had to include the check on the processBlock, otherwise there’ll be glitches on Logic too hah. So it’s quite obvious it’s going to produce glitches if the buffer size varies during playback, since the reset happens.

fl studio buffer size

Ok! So, my AudioProcessor’s processBlock checks each time if the buffersize has changed and sends a call to synthesizervoice’s LP-filters to prepare and reset. I can’t think of a single type of HP/LP filter that requires a fixed block size, since they all just generally work with a variable number of coefficients and only care about the sample rate (which will NOT change without a prepare() call). A technique I use when I have to have a certain block size (say, for doing FFT work) is to keep a rolling buffer (basically a ringbuffer that overwrites the head as data is added to the tail) at the buffer size I want and just add data to it as it comes in at whatever block size/rate it comes in, and process as needed. You’ll need to make your DSP work with variable block sizes. It’s not just VST either, I know AU does this, and I know many hosts other than FL use smaller block sizes in order to smooth automation.

fl studio buffer size

The block size provided in prepare() is only the maximum guaranteed block size to make sure you know ahead of time the most number of samples you’ll be expected to work with.

Fl studio buffer size